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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Renters Insurance

Renters Insurance at a Glance

Sometimes called apartment insurance, a renters insurance policy helps protect the personal property you keep inside your residence, including:
  • furniture
  • televisions
  • computers
  • clothing
  • jewelry
We can even lend a hand to help you estimate the value of the contents of your apartment.  Try our handy personal property calculator.
Most policies also provide liability coverage, which gives you financial protection if someone is accidentally injured on the rental property. Find out how affordable renters insurance coverage can be. Get an online renters insurance quote.

Watch Your Rates Fall with Renters Insurance Discounts

Once you get a renters insurance quote through GEICO, you'll see how affordable it can be. And with the many discounts available, you're likely to save even more. You may be eligible for a discount if your residence has:
  • interior sprinkler systems
  • staff responsible for watching who comes and goes from the building
  • smoke alarms
  • burglar alarms
To find out more about renters insurance discounts, start your free renters insurance quote or call us at 1-800-841-2964.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Make Money Online with eBooks

Right now is one of the best times in Internet marketing history to make a ton of money
online with ebooks. Even with the popularity of audio and video products ebooks remain
a staple of online publishing and they’ll be around forever.
Ebooks offer a quick and easy way for prospects to learn about a hot topic. Here’s the
deal…you don’t even have to be an expert on the subject to provide the information. It’s
a good idea that you do have some degree of interest in the subject but you don’t have
to be the leading expert. You just need to know how to help the audience get the
information that they want.
By providing that information you gain the customer’s trust and become the one that
they’re likely to make a purchase from. That’s how ebooks become your sales
machines. They go where you may never go and reach customers for you.
Here’s a very easy way that you can get your ebook written and on the market in the
shortest time possible.
Start with private label rights articles and you can have an ebook in just a few hours. I’m
a huge fan of private label rights materials. They give you loads of prewritten
information on almost every subject that you can imagine. This can save you lots of
hours otherwise spent researching and writing about your topic. It’s much easier to start
with a group of PLR articles and rewrite them rather than starting from scratch.
There are a boat load of places online where you can purchase PLR articles either as
part of a subscription or in small packs. I have to warn you to be careful because ALL
PLR IS NOT CREATED EQUALLY. In fact, most of the plr articles that you’ll find online
now are just a bunch of garbage.
That’s why one of my favorite PLR sites is Tiffany Dow’s PLR Minimart. If you’re not
familiar with Tiffany then maybe I should tell you that she’s also known as the
“ghostwriter to the gurus”. Before becoming a full time marketer, Tiffany was the
ghostwriter behind some of the most successful ebook released by well known internet
marketing gurus. Her research and writing style are both first class and her articles will
help you create a quality product. Check Tiffany out at
Whether you use articles from the minimart or somewhere else, just be sure to use high
quality PLR articles. This will ensure that you give your customers a lot more
information than they actually paid for. Make your ebook one that stands out in the
crowd and become something that customers tell their friends and business partners
about. That’s how you create customer loyalty and build a good reputation online. The
key to getting good results is to start out with good PLR articles from the beginning and
putting your own unique touch on them. The time that you spend putting together a
good product will pay off in more sales and fewer refunds.
After rewriting your material into an ebook find about 4-5 affiliate programs and include
the links throughout the ebook…just don’t over do it. You don’t want your ebook to
become one big sales pitch. Let the affiliate links ADD VALUE not take it away.
You’ll need to convert your ebook into PDF format to make it easy for buyers to read it
online. Download a free PDF converter at
 Finally, you’ll need graphics to make your ebook look much more professional and sale
a lot faster. If you’re not good at graphics you’ll want to hire a good designer to give
your ebook a well polished appearance.
There are lots of very well skilled graphic designers online but here are a few my
· - The owner, a guy in Malaysia named Bitol,
does excellent work at an affordable price at a VERY quick turn around time.
· – I recently became acquainted with the owner of this site,
Michelle Brouse at The Internet Marketing Inner Circle - - I’m starting to see Michelle’s work in lots of
places online as she’s becoming very popular. Her graphic design work is first
class! She does an amazing job!
· – Another TIMIC member, Steve Mount,
operates this site along with his sister Kat. Their work is great and you’ll love their
prices too! Check them out.
These are my recommendations on the best places to get ecovers designed but you
can decide for yourself. Just google “ecover designs” or something similar and find a
company you link. The important thing is that you do use a cover to increase the
perceived value of your ebook.
Once you’re done with the content and graphics of your ebook you can sell it using
PayPal, Clickbank, PayDotCom or your own merchant account.
 Now for the part that actually puts the money in the bank…PROMOTING YOUR
EBOOK. Here are few ways to get started bringing in sales almost immediately.
1. Google Adwords – Depending on your budget the fastest way to being in sales
may be to set up an adwords campaign – Here’s a link where you can get $50 in
Adwords credits to use in your first campaign. You’ll need a $5 deposit in order to
activate your account. Also, I’m not sure how long it will be good for but it’s valid
at the time that I’m writing this ebook:
2. Post an ad in forums that allow advertising or in your signature tag. Search for
forums in your niche
3. Write original articles and submit them article directories such as,,, and more
4. Start an affiliate program and share your profits. It’s easy to set up an account at
Clickbank or PayDotCom and give affiliate a good percentage like 50% or more.
That may seem like a lot but let me ask you this…would you rather have 50% of
something or 100% of nothing?
5. Get JV partners to help spread the word to their customers in exchange for a
percentage of the sales. I’m a member of Willie Crawford’s forum – The Internet
Marketing Inner Circle ( It’s a great place to
meet JV partners to help you succeed online.
Just as I was finishing up on 21 Income Streams, my friend Steve Mount released a
great ebook about how to make money online writing ebooks…GREAT TIMING! Steve’s
tips on getting jv partners are really valuable. I highly recommend that you get a copy at

Make Money Online with Blogs

One of my favorite ways to make money with blogging is to simply set up a blog for your
niche market. Niche marketing and blogging go hand in hand.
I’ve set up several small blogs for niches that I’m interested in and am amazed at how
simple the process is. You can set up a free blog using either or
Whichever of the two platforms that you select is pretty much a matter of personal
preference. I happen to like wordpress better because I like the wide range of templates
and plugins that are available to make customization a snap. With wordpress it’s also
very easy to add affiliate banners and links that immediately pulls in visitors and stirs
their interest in whatever I’m advertising.
After adding links and banners to your blog, the next step is to get some traffic. The
great thing about blogging is that traffic is drawn to blogs like a moth to a flame. Google
really seems to love blogs and will index your blogs very quickly. You can also get lots
of traffic coming to your blog by submitting it to blog directories.
To save time and effort you can go to This free software
works in your Mozilla Foxfire browser and submits your blog to more than 100
directories all at once.
Take advantage of these free tools that help you get more traffic. The more traffic that
you get your blog that more visitors and subscribers you’ll end up with. That translates
into more money in your pocket.

Make Money Online with Affiliate Programs

Most of the ideas that I have listed here are completely random and just listed in order
that I thought of the, However, I intentionally made affiliate marketing number one of this
list because it is by far the easiest way that I know to make money online.
Just in case you’ve never tried your hand at affiliate marketing here is an easy guide for
getting started and a few tips to help you avoid the mistakes that many “newbie”
marketers often make.
I’ve heard it said over and over again that in order to make money online you first need
to give something freely. That’s very true when it comes to affiliate marketing. Also have
a sincere “GIVE BEFORE YOU GET” mindset. Give your audience good quality,
original information and they’ll reward you with great sales!
Before you select affiliate products to sell you need to focus your attention on a
MARKETABLE NICHE. Notice, I didn’t just say a niche but a marketable niche. There’s
a huge difference.
A marketable niche not only likes your product but also has the disposable income to
spend on your product.
Let me illustrate this for you…literally:
Kids who love SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS are a very large
niche. But since children don’t usually have their own money to
spend they’re not the marketable niche that you want to go
The real marketable niche for Spongebob is the parents of the
kids or in many cases even the grown ups themselves who also
love the crazy cartoon character and don’t mind spending their
money on the multitude of products that bear his likeness.
See the difference. Focus on a niche where people have money that they don’t mind
spending on your products.
Choosing Products
Now let’s talk about WHERE to find products online to sell. Here a few companies or
affiliate product directories where you can sign up as an affiliate programs and earn a
commission on the referral sales that come from your links. There are many more…but
these are just a few of the most popular ones to get you started. - The world’s largest marketplace for digital products
http://www.Paydotcom – Sort of a cross between Paypal and Clickbank but vendors can
sell either digital or physical products – A huge affiliate directory for major businesses – Affiliate manager for major companies – More than a bookseller, Amazon is a huge affiliate
This is just the tip of the iceberg…you can find millions of products to offer to your niche
audience just by searching for “affiliate programs” at your favorite search engine.
Affiliate Marketing Resource
Anik Singal’s Affiliate Classroom has become one of the best places online to very rapidly
grow your affiliate marketing business. Learn all of Anik’s insider techniques for increasing
your affiliate paycheck with your free trial at

Friday, June 24, 2011

Google AdSense: Tips for Starting a Successful Small Business

Google AdSense: Tips for Starting a Successful Small Business: "Starting a small business takes some serious preparation. The truth about starting a small business is that there is a high rate of failure..."

Tips for Starting a Successful Small Business

Starting a small business takes some serious preparation. The truth about starting a small business is that there is a high rate of failure when it comes to just starting out. However, with a lot of planning and preparation, you can greatly increase the chances that your company will be successful and enjoy a long and profitable life. Follow these tips to get started with your small business.
  • Decide on a need that exists in the market that isn't being filled. Once you've found a hole in the market, decide how to fill it. This doesn't have to be a difficult process and you don't have to be an inventor to come up with a product or service that is needed on today's market. Think about it this way. Company A offers only product Y, and company B offers only product Z. Both products Y and Z have to be used together. If you create company C that offers both Y and Z together, you've found a niche in the market.
  • Once you've decided on your product or service that you are going to be offering, figure out who is going to be likely to use your product or service. These people are called your target audience. This type of targeted marketing is where many small businesses fall down on the job. Very rarely does blanket marketing work, and most companies that are just starting out need to maximize their advertising dollars in order to stay afloat. If you target your products and services to the people who are going to be doing most of the buying of your products or services, you can greatly stretch your advertising dollar.
  • After you have your product in place and have identified your target audience, start creating a name for yourself and start creating a brand for yourself. This can be done through advertising, word of mouth, social media, and many other places. One of the most important places to create a name and a brand for yourself is through your website. Your online site is where many of your customers will have their first impression of your company, so it can be a good idea to work with a Utah web design company that specializes in creating an optimized brand that will create a good first impression of your company. Having a good website can help set your business apart from your competitors and can help you to have greater visibility on the internet.


Google AdSense: It's Your Turn For Success - One Man Business Idea...

Google AdSense: It's Your Turn For Success - One Man Business Idea...: "Coming up with suitable one man business ideas can help to catapult you from a work at home wanna-be to an entrepreneurial home busin..."

It's Your Turn For Success - One Man Business Ideas

Coming up with suitable one man business ideas can help to catapult you from a work at home wanna-be to an entrepreneurial home business success. There are a million different ways to make money with your own business, without ever leaving the comfort of your own home.
The trick is to pinpoint something that you will enjoy doing, and that you can keep fresh by implementing new ideas and strategies as time goes on. Stop dreaming about success- get out there and grab it by the horns! If you're fresh out of one-man business ideas, the following suggestions should help to get those creative juices flowing.
If you're into helping others improve their own business practices, consulting might be a good business for you to start. You can help others identify the things that need to be tweaked in order for their business to become more successful, help to implement new business practices to create more profit, and even help to train any employees of the business that are not up to par.
If you are a fitness or nutrition buff, you can offer life-coaching services over the phone or through live video conferences. This is an extremely popular niche in today's day and age thanks to processed foods and a lack of nutritional and fitness education throughout the general population.
Home Study Courses
You can produce and sell your own "how to" courses that people can use to achieve their goals. Some popular study course topics include:
  • How to write self-improvement books
  • How to market a business online
  • How to bring a brick and mortar business online
  • How to make money with affiliate marketing
  • How to lose weight and keep it off for good
  • How to deal with demanding teenagers
  • How to save a marriage
  • How to get an ex back
As you can see, there are plenty of topics to write on so you won't suddenly run out of material to produce.
Membership Sites
People from around the world have interests that range from hot rods to beetles. The more obscure the niche, the better chance you have at sticking out from the crowd to attract members when owning a membership site. Put together a bunch of valuable articles, information, how-to ideas, and other digital material that people will find value in and then you can charge your members for access to this content on your website.
The One Man Handyman
Not all one-man business ideas have to pertain to online business. Why not purchase a van and some basic equipment and advertise yourself as a family owned, one-man handyman service? You can do lawn care, fix simple things around the home, paint, clean roofs, plant, or garden. Whatever you actually enjoy doing or at least find tolerable can be offered as a service through your company.
A one-woman business might help other mothers put on birthday parties, plan healthy, cost-saving meals, or provide information about helping others through difficulties you have already conquered.
There really is no limit to the number of ways you can start a one man business. However, it is important that you identify a business that you really enjoy doing, and put that together with a service people need. Brainstorm ideas on paper, and you will be surprised at what you come up with.


10 Extremely Important Tips for a Successful Business Launch

Tip 1: The Name Game
Now that you've narrowed it down to ONE 'business idea,' you've got to figure out a name. A major challenge in starting a business is the process of searching and choosing the right business name. Choosing the right business name can mean success while a poorly thought out name could doom your business from the start. Three smart business name tips:
  1. A smart business name must be unforgettable. It is imperative that potential clients be able to remember your business name. I'm sure most people have heard of Nike, Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot and McDonalds. Like these household names, your name should be easy to pronounce and memorable.
  2. A smart business name must describe what your business does. When you create your business name,potential clients should be able to understand what products or services your company offers. For example in ' Browder Consulting Group,' the word "Consulting' is a clue that I provide specialized advice; or as in Lynn's Styles & Cuts,' the words 'Styles & Cuts is a clue that this is a beauty salon.
  3. A smart business name should be as short and sweet as possible. As you advertise your business, it is important that your name display well on your marketing material, such as business cards, ad campaigns, domain name and email. As potential clients search for you on the internet, you want it to be an easy spelled and searchable name.
Tip 2: On a Mission
A mission statement is an important tool that tells others who you are, what you do, how you do it and why you are superior than your competition.
  • It identifies and clarifies the business' vision, purpose and direction.
  • It provides the path and focus needed for making and implementing decisions.
  • It helps define to your future employees what they are doing, why they are doing it and where they are going.
Example: At Browder Consulting Group, our mission is simple... to help women achieve success through entrepreneurship.
Tip 3: Make it Legal
Be diligent in choosing the best Legal Form for your business. This is one of the first important decisions that you will have to make. This decision can have long-term implications, so here are a few things to consider when deciding which business structure is best for your business:
  • Scope of business you plan to attain
  • Size of your business
  • Business's vulnerability to lawsuits
  • Tax implications based on the different ownership structures
  • Level of control do you wish to have
  • Expected profit/loss of the business
Tip 4: Surround yourself with a Progressive Team
Who do you need to know or collaborate with as a part of your external team? Having the right people on your team will allow you to focus on your business and help you to avoid costly mistakes. For example, you might need the following:
  • Certified Public Accountant: best form of ownership, establish bookkeeping, record keeping procedures and tax planning, etc.
  • Business Attorney: reviewing lease contracts, determining the right business structure, etc.
  • Computer Information Technician: set up systems, repair issues, etc.
  • Human Resource Management Consultant: assess your current HR processes for compliance, navigate through delicate labor issues, set up hiring processes, compensation and benefits and create employee manuals, job description and Standard Operation Procedural manuals.
Tip 5: Research Licenses & Permits Needed for Your Industry
As you can see, there are many steps involved in starting a business. With the daunting task of figuring it all out, it's easy to overlook the important legal requirements associated with permits, licenses and registrations. Here's a list that your business might need:
  • State Requirements: Business licensing requirements may vary from state to state.
  • Business Licenses: Depending on your state, county and city, a business license may be required for tax purposes and to conduct other basic business functions.
  • Occupations and Professions: Depending on your profession, state licenses may be required for occupations such as, appraisers, accountants, barbers, building contractors, cosmetologists, funeral directors, physicians, private investigators, private security guards and real estate agents.
  • Tax Registration: Some states carry a state income tax. If you establish your business in a state that does, you'll have to register and obtain an employer identification number. If your business engages in retail sales, you will need to obtain a sales tax license.
  • Trade Name Registration: If you plan to run your business in your local community only, registering with the state may be adequate.
  • Employer Registrations: Are you planning to hire employees? If so, you'll probably be required to make unemployment insurance contributions. '
Tip 6: Know Your Clients
A common mistake that I encounter with new business owners is that they don't know who their customer is... possessing a poorly defined target market. Most want to sell their products or services to 'everybody' instead of narrowing their targeted customer base to a manageable size. You must do your homework... i.e., market research. I've created a business resource guide to assist you, Resource Guide for Women.
Tip 7: Got Marketing?
In business, marketing plays a key role in getting the word out to your prospective clients. You must create an image and be consistent! It's important to mold and hone your business image to successfully appeal to your prospects and customers. By choosing a relevant company name, answering your phone professionally, creating a professional and clear elevator pitch, investing in professional business cards, logos and brochures, etc... all are key in marketing your business.
Tip 8: Don't forget Uncle Sam
Understanding tax obligations is one of the most important issues facing small businesses. The local, county, state and federal agencies does not care that you didn't know or you forgot to pay your taxes. You will be subject to penalties for not paying on time. Here are some resources to assist you:
  • For a list of state agencies,
  • For a SBA resource guide by state,
  • For IRS business information,
Tip 9: Don't forget the 'B' Word... Budget!
Create a start up budget. Because businesses are different, each will have its own specific cash needs at various stages of development, so estimating your start-up costs may vary. Some businesses can be started on a shoestring budget, while others may require considerable investment in inventory or equipment. It is imperative to know that you will have enough money to launch your business venture.
A few ways to prepare:
  • Create a list of anticipated expenses for your first three years
  • Projections are fine, be realistic
Have a tracking system
QuickBooks, Quicken, Ledger, Excel spreadsheets, I don't care which you use.... It's important to put a system in place that works for you. Personally, I use QuickBooks. I can send files to my CPA, easy to work with. In addition, as the treasurer on the board of a non-profit organization, I also use Quick books to reconcile the organization's bank statements and to bill our member's annual dues.
Open a business checking account. The worst thing you can do is run your business from your personal account... it is an accountants nightmare. Open up a business account so that you can separate the two... plus it tells others that you are serious and professional.
Tip 10: Put it all together... in a plan!
Last but not least, you must write your business plan. By failing to plan, you are planning to fail. If you can't take the time needed to plan for the success of your business, then don't waste your time starting one. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 businesses fail within the first three years. This is staggering but true! Invest your time in researching and writing a business plan. Many prospective entrepreneurs think that a business plan is very hard and tedious. The truth is it's a powerful tool that can help you plan and achieve business success.
So, what is this thing called a business plan? Well, a business plan is your blue print or what I tell many of my clients, it's your bible! A business plan defines your business, identifies your goals, and serves as your company's resume. It will help you arrange strategic alliances, obtain financing and attract key personnel. By planning for success, you will be able to overcome many hurdles that may arise.
A closer look at why a business plan is important:
  • To secure funding, your lender will request your business plan with completed financials. DO NOT approach a lender without having a completed business plan. In his/her eyes, you will look unprepared and too risky. By being prepared, you will have a better chance at securing funding for operations or expansion of your business.
  • It is a great way to test the feasibility of your business idea. By the time you complete your market or competitive analysis, you will have a clear picture of the viability of your idea.

Get Your Business Up And Running

There are some things in life that you may do just one time, and due to this fact, we may sometimes feel a little unsure in the way we approach this 'thing'. For most people, when they start a business, it may feel a little unfamiliar, and rightly so, after all it is not every day that you start a business, correct? So, where to begin?
Well, first of all, it is obviously important to have an idea of what type of business you want to start, but assuming that you are already aware of what it is that you want to do, you now need some pointers on how to get going with your new business. So where does one start? You could go out and find your favourite bookshop for some advice on the topic, but then again you most likely don't want the long story, am I right? You're likely to be looking for just something that may point you in the right direction. A step by step guide perhaps?
First and foremost, to start a business, you need to get it properly structured, in other words, you need to register your business. That would be step number one. While each country has its own types of business entities, or business structures if you want to call it that, South Africa is fortunately one of those countries that see the entrepreneur, the small business owner, as a valuable asset and a vital contributor to the country's economy. Small businesses are the lifeblood and keep the economy healthy and thriving.
South Africa has recently changed and implemented a brand new companies act, having changed the preceding act that has been in existence for more than twenty years. So, after saying that, registering your business in South Africa is now facilitated through the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, or CIPC in short. What used to be known as CIPRO (Companies and Intelectual Registration Office) has now become CIPC, and each and every new company need to be founded through CIPC in South Africa.
In my opinion, the fastest route would be to make use of a service that deals with the registration of new companies. And you don't need to look very far either. Many of these services are now available via the internet, and you just need to know where to look. Often a quick search via your favourite search engine will bring you to a service that offers this as a service. When making use of one of these services, you would normally need to submit some of your details, pay for the service, and then the process begins. A name search is usually performed first to determine if there may be any other businesses registered that may show up as a conflict with your chosen business name.
As soon as a business name is approved, and the registration process has begun, you may want to look at establishing your business on the world wide web, by getting a website up and running for your business. In the times that we live in, any business, no matter how big or small, requires a website.


Small Business

So you have taken the leap of faith and started your own business. You have a product or service to sell and you need to get the word out- beyond your current circle of friends, family and business associates. What do you do when you're a great Engineer, Illustrator, Home Health Professional etc, but have no sales background at all? Well if you are really fortunate- you hire a sales professional to promote your product or service- but most likely in the beginning stag
So where do you start? At the beginning of course! The following steps are some tried and true "Rules of Engagement" for selling yourself and your business. If you follow these steps consistently- even when you are busy taking care of clients and the money is rolling in- you will steadily grow your client base and your business:
1. Identify your Target Market- Who needs your product or service? Are you going to sell to the masses or do you have a specialized product? This step may take some time to figure out- or you may already have a prospect list in hand. Put together a call list of your top prospects- you can refine your list as you go along.
2. Prepare your message- Once you have figured out who you think could benefit from your product or service- don't just run to the phone and start making random calls. Think about what you want to say about your company, what makes your product or service different from everyone else's and a compelling reason why your prospect should choose to do business with you rather than their current supplier (because unless you have invented a new product or service I can guarantee they already have a supplier and they love them).
3. Practice- Rehearse your message- if you need to- write a simple script or cheat sheet for when you are on the phone, get nervous and forget the name of your company, if you have a website and what your call back number is. And be ready to leave a brief voice message once you do make the call because nine times out of ten you are going to be talking to electronic voice mail rather than your contact person. If you practice leaving a message you will remember to speak slowly, say your name and number at the beginning and end of your message and be coherent when you say your spiel.
4. Make a commitment to yourself (This actually should be Step 1)- Set aside time every day, or as often as possible to make your calls. This is probably the hardest part for a small business owner to do because we wear so many different hats during each day and are pulled a hundred different ways at the same time. The best way to accomplish your sales calls is to make an appointment with yourself. Block out an amount of time you feel you can consistently commit to in your calendar and take that 15 minutes or 2 hours each day and make as many calls in that amount of time that you can.
5. Keep records. It's great to make sales calls, talk to prospects or leave messages but if you don't have a call-back system in place-you are just spinning your wheels. I recommend a database management tool like ACT or some of the online database services- whatever you feel comfortable with. You can keep records on an Excel worksheet, on note cards or in a spiral notebook- just make sure you know who you called, when you called them, what you said, and when you are supposed to follow-up or what action you have promised to take next. People are impressed when you can remind them exactly what you discussed during your previous conversation.
6. Follow up! Follow up! Follow up! Call your prospect back- over and over again until you get a definitive yes or no (unless they sic the dogs on you or pull out a shot gun- assume a no is just a maybe- but just not right now).
7. Have fun with it! Imagine that every call you make gets you closer to buying that new car, making your mortgage payment or taking your dream vacation. Salespeople call cold calling on the telephone "dialing for dollars" because we know that sometimes we get the sale because we just kept suiting up and showing up and outlasted everyone else. One day- one like any other day-you may make a call right after your prospect received poor service or a defective product from their current supplier and they will finally be interested in hearing what you can do for them.
8. Don't take making sales calls too seriously and don't take "No's" personally. Your prospect is not rejecting you- they just do not perceive a need for your product or service today. And remember- the only constant is change- so keep on trying and the "Yes's" will come- especially if you are persistent and consistent in making your calls.
Don't put off making sales calls another day. Get into action today! If you want to build your business- be bold, be brave, pick up that phone and ask for the business. Make a commitment to yourself for the next 30 days and see how many new clients you have by next month- and then commit to another 30 days again and again until you are so busy you have the resources to hire that secretary, accountant, sales rep and custodial service you so richly deserve.
Stephane McGrady is an innovative Activities Professional and small business owner sharing her creative projects, tutorials, sales experience and business development ideas with other small business owners and professionals working in the Seniors industry.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Need For a Retail Merchant Account

A retail merchant account is ideal thing to have if you want to pursue bigger opportunities or if you are wishing to expand the business. This can certainly make your business grow to new heights. However one should be careful when choosing a merchant account provider. This is not surprising because wrong merchant would be bad for your business in the long run. You might be stuck paying for a high fee and it is sometimes hassle to change in the middle of everything. To get you in the right direction, you would need to contact a provider that is reputable and reliable.
If you have a business online, the most important step is having a merchant account. This is a tool that can let your business accept credit card payments. With this, you can expand your means of gaining profit. You might wonder why you need one. This is a tool that can make your life as a business owner easy. There are several reasons to have this account. The most obvious is that it can expand your business in a lot of ways. It is a step to make money than ever. For just a small rate, it can definitely triple or double your income.
Having a credit card processor in your website would mean paying a small amount for every transaction fee. This can definitely make your life a lot easier than ever. If you are a busy person, you can definitely lessen your task. There is no need to worry about accounting process. This can save you from the hassle of managing the business. With a merchant account, you can stay ahead of your competition. Those who don't have this will definitely fall behind from the race. Nowadays a lot of people are choosing to have this kind of service for their business.
With this, you can become capable of providing customers the convenience of shopping at the comforts of their home. At the same, it is something that can boost your profits. It would take a few days to get approval. It is said to be fast and easy. You would want to stay ahead. Start planning a few months ahead. Do a research on the internet on the best processing. Some might have a little experience on your industry. Make sure that you opt for the one that would fit your business. Go for the one with less turnaround time.
Go through their application fees and make sure that it is something that can fit your business especially in terms of expenses. Estimate your sales volume and choose the right kind of service. You don't want to pay too high or too little on the credit card processing. Don't go for the ones that charge you for cancellation of the account. You should ask any other questions that are not clear to you. This is said to be important especially when it fees and payment structure. Definitely it can be said that this will certainly increase your profits.
Not all high risk merchant account providers are created equal. A good merchant account provider would be a strong alliance in building your business. Do your research and choose the best merchant account provider for your business. To find out more about high risk merchant accounts visit
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Benefits of Google Apps to Retailers

There seems to be an emerging trend over the past few months of retailers realising the benefits involved with deploying Google Apps for business. The web-based collaboration and communication suite was developed by Google, I believe the world's most innovative company, so it's little wonder it's catching on. But what are the benefits to retailers?
One of the core strengths of Google Apps are the web-based messaging and collaboration apps which require no hardware of software and need very minimal administration. They will reduce your IT costs, and this seems to be what companies are catching on to.
One company that has seen the light as it were is online food retailer Ocado. They decided to that Google Apps for Business was the perfect solution for their business. They wanted to improve productivity, facilitate remote working and boost internal communication.
Tools such as Google Talk, Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Docs allow staff to log in from any secure internet connection to talk instantly with each other, access emails, documents, calendar and other internal information. This collaborative approach makes the day-to-day running of businesses far more effective and also enables staff to communicate and share ideas more easily.
Modern business like Ocado are being smart by keeping an eye on the latest cutting-edge technology as this will ensure its customers will be provided with the best possible service. Businesses in every sector can reap the same benefits when making the switching to this web-based collaboration and communication suite.
With Google Docs you can share files which mean there is no need to send documents back and forth comparing and consolidating individual files. Everyone that needs access to certain files can see any new updates and respond immediately. This is perfect for teams that work on the same spreadsheet or drawing. Specsavers is another company that utilizes this technology, they have also found out that the speed at which Google Apps can be deployed means they can expand into new markets outside of the UK very quickly and easily.
Further cost savings for retailers are the Postini Message Security feature which is also included in Google Apps. This keeps networks safe and stops spam, viruses and phishing. With Gmail you get 50 times more email storage compared to the industry standard. Also Gmail it is designed so that employee spend less time in their inboxes and more time being proactive.
When a business switches to Google Apps they can be safe in the knowledge that the world's most innovative company will continue to innovate and develop new features.
For more information about Google Docs and Google Apps Email visit Ancoris who are are an authorised Google Apps Reseller.
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Tips to Get Wholesale Clothing at the Most Reasonable Prices

The major problem that all retailers face is to source clothing at low rates. A wholesale clothing business is quite profitable business as clothing is among the basic necessities of life and its demand will never end in the market. The clothing business renders good profit to the retailers only if they get clothing at low prices without compromising on quality. There are some tips and techniques, which can help retailers in getting hands on wholesale clothing at reasonable prices.
Place yourself in the place of your customer:
Before starting the clothing business, the retailer should do market research to know which clothing can give him lucrative returns. He should place himself in the place of his customers and should try to understand their needs and demands. Try to identify if your target market is price conscious or quality conscious.
Select product category carefully:
Always select a profitable product category, which is in high demand in any particular area. Starting business in women or children's clothing will be a good idea as the fashion and trends of women and children's clothing change every now and then. The change in trends, allow customers to look out for new designs, which ultimately increase the sales of the retailers.
Evaluate various suppliers' options:
To get wholesale clothing at reasonable prices, the retailers would need to check rates of different wholesalers and compare it with their retail prices. Only choose the wholesaler with minimum price offer. Also, check other things as well like quality of products, minimum order policy and delivery rates of your wholesale suppliers.
Avoid intermediaries:
Retailer should try to avoid intermediaries, as they decrease the profit margin of retailers. Although it is difficult to source from clothing suppliers directly but to get clothing products at wholesale rates, the retailer should do some hard work. Main suppliers never sell products in small quantities; so, the retailer would need to buy huge quantity in order to get wholesale clothing at minimum rates.
Enter into buying partnerships:
If the retailer has less resources and he is unable to buy in bulk quantities, then he can also enter into partnership with other retailers. This allows him to get clothing at low rates irrespective of his small order.
Pick the products from closeout deals or sales:
Retailer can also buy wholesale clothing products from clearance sales, and closeout stores. Clothing products at clearance sales are offered at low wholesale rates; as the manufacturers do not need these products and they want to sell them fill their spaces with new lots. So they sell their old stock at dirt cheap prices.
William King is the director of Wholesale Clothing, Wholesale Suppliers UK and UK Wholesale Clothing. He has 18 years of experience in the marketing and trading industries and has been helping retailers and startups with their product sourcing, promotion, marketing and supply chain requirements.
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Want a Job? Ignore These Outdating Job Hunting Beliefs

Despite a wealth of great job-hunting advice, many prospective job seekers are still clinging to outdated job-hunting and resume writing guidelines that hinder their search for a job. If you've been sending your same old resume from 10 years ago with a "Dear Sir or Madam", then you've probably learned that these methods have become obsolete.
If any of the following job hunting problems match you, then you need to implement corrective measures as soon as possible if you want to achieve success in 2011:
1. Not studying your competition
Candidates fail to check out their competition when they start their job search. They reason that their generalized resume worked in the past and that it will continue to work in the future, but that just is not the case any longer. You resume will be stacked against incredibly high skilled competition who probably have seen and done things that you present as standout attributes on your resume.
If you have a diverse set of skills, you'll need to go the extra mile to get into your chosen career. You'll need to establish connections and contacts with people in the industry to help fill in any career gaps you have and to boost your education and work experience. And you'll need a compelling resume that clearly develops a connection to your prospective employer.
2. Not caring about your online identity
Social media is the way of the world now, and like it or not, it's not going anywhere and people pay a lot of attention to it. Who do you think an employer is going to choose, the guy with the drunken Facebook profile picture or the business professional LinkedIn page? 10 years ago no one thought about having themselves Googled, no one really even knew what Google was but now you have to have an online profile to get noticed. You have to make yourself an online brand and highlight yourself above the pack.
3. Disregarding trends in resumes
If you can't get past the old resume template with your list of qualifications, then you are going to find the job market in 2011 to be very harsh. Companies receive hundreds of resumes a day, so it becomes critical for potential employees to document the impact of their work and to back up their accomplishments through quantitative means. For a business to hire you they want to make sure that you are going to positively impact their business, and that means on the bottom line, are you going to make their business more profitable.
You have to have something on your resume that shows how you have positively impacted growth in one way or another. For executives or senior-level employees, personal branding has become the newest trend in the job hunt. This is a delicate process and you will need someone who understands developing a branded persona. You have to become the expert in your field.
Hopefully these tips will help you get past anything that was holding you back and put you on the road to new employment!
Erin Kennedy, CPRW, CERW, BS/HR, is a Certified Professional & Executive Resume Writer/Career Consultant and President of Professional Resume Services, Inc. She is a nationally published writer and contributor of 9+ best-selling career books. She has achieved international recognition following yearly nominations of the prestigious T.O.R.I. (Toast of the Resume Industry) Award. Erin has written thousands of resumes for executives and professionals. As a proud member of PARW, CDI, AORCP, Erin also sits on CDI's Credentialing Committee for new certification candidates and serves as a Mentor for CDI's Member Mentoring Committee. She also is a featured blogger on several well-known career sites. Reuse of this article is encouraged but must include a link to
Want to know more about Erin Kennedy, CPRW? Read her LinkedIn profile at:
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